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It is with a heavy heart that we must announce the closure of after more than three years of operation.
Although difficult, this devcision has become unavoidable.

Our team has worked tirelessly to provide you with the most comprehensive and current information on all available game subscription services, with passion and dedication. Over time, the task of maintaining the website and adapting to the provider's frequent changes to ensure the site's data was up-to-date became too demanding.

Moreover, the expenses exceeded the project's revenues throughout the entire duration. Nevertheless, we strove to keep operating for as long as we could. Offering this service was our passion, and we still believe there is a demand for a service like ours. We appreciate the time you have spent on our website and thank all of you who have joined us on this journey.

Our dear community, we extend a special thanks to you for your loyalty and support. You shared with your friends and communities, engaged in discussions with us, and kept us motivated. You made what it was.

A special thank you to the team for their support with their API and granting us advanced access to add and edit game information, screenshots and artworks. Without their assistance, would not have been possible.

Please take a moment to check out our other projects @streamerbans and @embedxapp.

Game on
the team behind

Chris, Fabian, Francesco, Markus, & Roman